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The Full Story

anildo silva


I'm a career coach focused on the development of a Successful Globalized Mindset.


My personal and professional experience put me on a route where my mission has become to untie the knots that holds people to explorer all their potential.


I could say that I'm an expatriate for the last 15 years, but that wouldn't translate the real truth. In fact, I'm an expatriate since I'm 6 years old, back when I lived in São Paulo, Brazil.


It was when this spark put my mind and soul on this long journey. It was when unconsciously I made the decision to become a citizen of the world.

After years of overcoming all limitations and preparations, I've initiated my international life in England, back in 2007 with my wife Gerda Schumann and my son Arthur S. Silva, when he was only 3 years old.


We moved by our own decision, managing all the transition by ourselves. This period of time made me remember a quote that says, "Cut your own wood, that way it will warm you up twice".


Totally true!


After almost 5 years, now with my daughter Amanda S. Silva as part of the family, we had the opportunity to move to Paris, France, where we live today.


During all this time, I have been involved in an intensive and uncompromising professional experience. I have been traveling the whole world dealing and working with so many different cultures and environments.


Being a Brazilian, with a broken English language at the beginning, with no experience working abroad, I had to face prejudice and distrust.


With relentless commitment and the support of my family, I've managed to overcome all the difficulties, creating a fulfilling and successful journey so far.


My focus is to work with expatriates that are building their new experiences or with those that are preparing themselves to initiate this journey with the right frame of mind and mindset, working actively to transform into reality that dream that transformed the life of that 6-year-old version of myself.


Having lived in Latin America most of my early life and in Europe for the past fifteen years, I understand first-hand that expatriate life isn’t always the glamour and glitz it’s often made out to be.

I've learned how true is the quote that says, "The mountains everybody sees, but what makes us fall are the small stones".


As an online coach, my objective is to help my clients to develop this perspective, which will help them to avoid unnecessary issues in their journey.


Having friends in all corners of the world, showed me that being a Citizen of the World is an amazing experience. I learned that when it comes to expatriates, the differences make us equals.

I'm looking forward to working with you on your journey!

“The distance between your Dream and Reality is called Action.”
© 2020 by Anildo Silva
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